Have you every noticed that things in transition can be pretty ugly and downright painful? Puppies and teenage boys are all feet and abound in unbridled, destructive energy. Any woman who has experienced the "transition" stage of labour knows the intense, all consuming and seemingly pointless contractions that scream "This will never end!".
6 week old |
Being a backyard chicken hobbiest, it never ceases to amaze me how adorable, fuzzy little day old chicks can morph into gangly, awkward and seemingly useless 6 week olds. They seem good for nothing - caught somewhere in midflight to useful. Kind of like puppies, teenage boys and labouring women.
This is really all very comforting. You see, I've had teenage boys who have become good and productive men. I've seen a golden retriever puppy trained into a faithful and mellow friend. I've experienced the writhing grip of labour contractions and have tasted the breathtaking awe of that first cry. I've nurtured chicks through the ugly duckling phase and have gasped in wonder at the first coop fruit.
So, you see, there is hope for
my first coop fruit |
While Don has walked the way of missions for decades, I am an unsightly chick. A missionary midflight to useful. Stumbling over names, struggling with schedules, battling introversion in a role that is socially rewarding but demanding. But, then I remember that it's really not about me at all. It is God's work. I am His project.This mission transition is His to do! I lay hold of Philippians 1:6 "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." (NLT) After all "
My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness"
(2 Corinthians 12:9a NLT).
So, this old chick is looking forward to seeing fruit for the Kingdom. Just have a few feathers to molt first.
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