The kitchen was a cottage kitchen complete with a 24 inch electric stove with burners that had rusted through and an oven that burned everything placed on it's charred racks. Despite the best efforts of a thermometer dangling precariously and searching desperately, nothing resembling a stable temperature could be found. Adding to the charm was it's deep unhealthy shade of gold straight from the 70's. With the help of a hefty tax refund, I went in search of the perfect replacement - a gas range which would continue to function during a predictable Peninsula power outage as well as produce the quality of baking I knew I was capable of. There was only one problem. The kitchen, as designed (a term I use loosely), could not accommodate a full size stove as well as a full size fridge. One had to go and I can promise you it wasn't going to be the stove. A single person, working full time could function quite nicely with a bar fridge.
Fast forward to 2015. Two people working from home - quite a different story. Opening that fridge became an ongoing exercise in sanctification as items flew out, rolled out or spilled out. Cold weather gave a slight reprieve as we supplemented with natures fridge/freezer (aka the back porch) but we often didn't get the memo as to which season we were in and food seemed to freeze or thaw at whim.
We are survivors, Don and I. We don't give up easily. We prayed and remeasured the opening trusting that the space would have expanded JUST that little bit. We did more extensive internet searches. SURELY there must be others who have, shall we say, "special" kitchens. But, this summer saw us both waving the white flag and salivating over fliers and visiting local show rooms to price a refrigerator for the garage. We found a fridge that was perfect but both of us recoiled at the price and felt caution about proceeding. Adjusting to one reduced income has been a challenging assignment in the past number of months and we wanted to be conscientious and wise in our decisions.
One evening, we were watching a video when my phone rang on the table across the room. Pausing, Don retrieved my phone and one glance revealed a FaceTime call from a number I did not recognize. Great - on with the show! Within seconds, another call came through and the female voice on the other end began to ask me why I had been calling her number and how I got the number. "But I didn't call!" Apparently this number that I had not called but that had called ME was her deceased husband's phone. Breaking into her nervous questioning and using her name, I cautiously asked if this was the person whose voice I thought I recognized. Indeed it was! This was a lady who had generously donated towards our India 2016 trip and someone we had been planning on visiting to provide an personal update. Through this "chance" connection, a date was set for Friday of that week.
We had a wonderful chat together as we shared what God did during our trip to India as well as plans for 2017. Its not difficult to get excited about that! By the end of our visit, this generous saint had pledged her financial support and blessed us with a special gift as well. For seasoned missionaries this might be routine but this newbie was over the moon! You mean people actually support us? Voluntarily? Our friend was insistent that this gift be used for our "needs". Now, Don and I have rather different ways of approaching things. While I cautiously and professionally began to assure her that we would send every penny into the mission and have it fully receipted, Don, like the apostle Peter just waded in. Much to my mortification, he explained that we DID have a need for a refrigerator and perhaps some of this gift could provide for that need. Around the same time that I was climbing out from under my chair, our friend exclaimed, " I have a fridge out in the garage that I hardly use. You can have that one!". Say what??
I had no sooner processed this statement than I began to drool over the thought of upright orange juice containers and chilled fruit. Being the pillar of faith that I am, just as speedily I thought "It's probably some old clunker". Shame on me! How could I, having received so freely of God's open handed grace on so many occasions descend with warp speed into such ingratitude and unbelief? And yet I did. And I do. Ushered into the garage, we stood amazed as a pristine refrigerator smiled at us. The EXACT model that we had ogled in the showroom.
Through an unlikely electronic incident, God connected us to a generous saint who offered prayer and financial support. But He went further. He used her to meet a tangible need in a supernatural way. That's how much our God cares. "Look at the birds in the sky...they do no sow or reap: and yet, they are always fed because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are even more precious to Him than a beautiful bird. If He looks after them, of course He will look after you." (Matthew 6:26 The Voice) So, we climb up on His knee and say "Thank you".
Learn more about Don and Karen's ministry
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