Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Transition Tails

She arrived silently one crisp autumn Thanksgiving day. Perhaps it was the waft of turkey or maybe she was pulled from the woods by an invisible string of yearning. Petite and endearing, she never left.

Facing down all manner of furry and feathery Goliaths she claimed her place and a healthy respect. She was loyal and tenacious navigating on silent paws through seasons of calendar and of life.

"Sister Mary Kitty" for her habit-like markings and her benevolent outstretched "blessing". "Sister Mary Kitty Warrior Princess" for her uncanny ability to produce a doorstep gift of unfathomable proportions. Just SMK.

Returning to an empty house in those desolate years she greeted me with the loyalty of a lap dog enduring long absences with grace and style. She kept my feet warm at night and woke me in the morning. I had given her a place to stay and she... well, she had made my house a home.

But, God's calling affects the entire family. As Don and I prepared to travel to India and fulfill other mission related responsibilities, finding good foster care topped the "To Do" list.

Transitions are difficult for us all no matter the number or size of our paws. SMK was crated and carried, howling all the way to a land unknown. Where, it turns out, she was loved and accepted into a warm and safe home with a loving family to dote on her and feed her tuna juice.

That's where love comes in. As we continue on this mission adventure, our time at home is increasingly patchy and unpredictable. Our transitions threatened to overwhelm our four legged charge. And yet..... I missed her. I wanted her here. Surely Lord I've given up enough? But 1 John 3:16 says "We know what true love looks like because of Jesus. He gave His life for us, and He calls us to give our lives for our brothers and sisters."(The Voice)  And so, the adoption papers were filed and Sister Mary Kitty has happily transitioned her tail to a lovely new home with scarcely a backward glance. I grieve.

The missionary pilot Jim Elliott wrote "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose". Jesus gave His life. Jim gave up his. As bond slaves of the Most High God, we are called to hold whatever He has entrusted to us with a loose grip, ready to lay it down as He directs. For me, for now, it is SMK and I lay her down with a heart full of gratitude.

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